
배당 투자를 위한 9 개의 배당주 by Jim Cramer

BigTree 2021. 1. 13. 03:38

"Forget the bond market. If you want income, you need to find it in stocks," CNBC's Jim Cramer said.

"As a general rule, if you see a stock with a yield north of 8%, that means the smart money won't go near it," the "Mad Money" host said.

"With my diversified dividend portfolio, you can get a 5% plus yield with the possibility of actual upside," he said.


Dow, 5.02% yield

IBM, 5.17% yield

AbbVie, 4.88% yield

B&G Foods, 7.11% yield

Chevron, 5.93% yield

Verizon, 4.28% yield

American Electric Power, 3.64% yield

Dominion Energy 3.45% yield

Entergy 3.93% yield


As part of Cramer's philosophy on dividend portfolios, investors should resist taking on too much risk when seeking stocks with dividend yields. Stocks that yield more than 8% are red flags, he said, warning that high yields can be cut or the stock price could be on a decline.

Cramer said a stock with a 4% yield is ideal.


4%정도의 배당율이 가장 이상적, 지금은 높지만 컷될 가능성이 크고, 주식 가격이 떨어질 가능성이 있기 때문에..



